The IUCr-CIMS was founded to promote
and achieve the following aims:
- To strengthen links and interactions among mineral, inorganic and
materials scientists and between these scientists and the
crystallographic community.
- To promote the presence at the IUCr meetings of scientists
working in 'inorganic-crystallographic' and 'geoscience-
crystallographic' institutions.
- To present at the same meetings common aspects of the inorganic
structures independently from their natural or synthetic origin.
- To favour the historical influence that mineral structures have
played on developing inorganic materials of technological interest.
- To promote and encourage the publication of inorganic and
mineralogical papers in the Journals of the Union.
- To promote the development and dissemination of methods,
computing programs and databases of interest for the inorganic
crystallographic community.
- To promote and organise symposia of interest to the inorganic
community on the occasion of the IUCr meetings, also in cooperation with
other Commissions.
- To promote and organise workshops and schools of interest to the
inorganic community, also in cooperation with other Commissions.